Host Instructions for Health Ethics Trust Zoom Events

Please also read the Presenters, Attendees and the General instructions.

For the presenters to be ready in time for their presentation, a event schedule should be provided to each presenter clearly showing the day and time of their presentation.

Scheduling an event

An event can be scheduled for a later date or started immediately.

The scheduling an event consists of 2 webpages or screens:

  1. The first screen is for the date, time and basic setup information
  2. The second screen is for adding the attendees, addign the calendar event, and advanced features of polls and breakout rooms.


Pinning & spotlighting presenters

There are two options available for controlling what video you see and what video everyone sees:

  • Pin – allows you to disable active speaker view and only view a specific speaker. Pinning another user’s video will only affect your local view in the Zoom Room, not the view of other participants and will not affect cloud recordings.
  • Spotlight – puts a user as the primary active speaker for all participants in the meeting and cloud recordings. To spotlight, you need at least 3 participants in the meeting with their video on and can only be done by the host.

As the host, you will SPOTLIGHT a presenter at the start of the presentation.

You will then remove the spotlight after the presenter has finished.


Breakout Rooms

Breakout rooms allow you to split your Zoom event in up to 50 separate sessions. The event host can choose to split the participants of the event into these separate sessions automatically or manually, and can switch between sessions at any time.

  1. Breakout Rooms must be enabled in the Account, Group, or User settings in the Zoom Account Settings.
  2. When adding an event, the Breakout Rooms can be manually created and attendees added at the bottom of the 2nd event creation screen.




Note: Polling must be arranged before the event starts

The polling feature for events allows you to create single choice or multiple choice polling questions for your event (NOT just for each presentation). You will be able to launch the poll during your event and gather the responses from your attendees. You also have the ability to download a report of polling after the meeting. Polls can also be conducted anonymously, if you do not wish to collect attendee information with the poll results.

  1. Polling must be enabled in the Account, Group, or User settings in the Zoom Account Settings.
  2. When adding an event, the poll(s) are added at the bottom of the 2nd screen of scheduling an event/meeting.
  3. The polls are setup for an event, not for a presentation. Therefore, each presentation poll is added in the event setup screen and selected within the event as required.
  4. They are not transferrable from one event or another. The poll(s) must be re-entered for each event.


Recording of events

It is possible to record the events presentations. This will require the use of another PC if you will be showing presentations on behalf of presenters.

TODO: Add instructions

General Instructions for Health Ethics Trust Zoom Events

Health Ethics trust has General Instructions for Zoom Events:

Presenting & presentation material

Each presenter may wish to present their own material or ask the host to help with the presentation (see Presenters Instructions – Presenting methods).

In case their are difficulties during the presentation, request all copies of materials from each presenter:

  • Obtain copies of all presentation material from the event presenters before the event. MS-PowerPoint format is preferred.
  • Mark on the schedule who is presenting their own material and who requires help.
Sharing & control