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Best Compliance Practices: First Winners

by | Sep 21, 2022


703-683-7916 • •

27th Annual Best Compliance Practices Forum

| October 20-21, 2022

WHERE: Virtual

The 27th Annual Healthcare: Best Compliance Practices Forum will be conducted as a virtual event on October 20 – 21. Since 1995, 220 best compliance practices have been recognized at the Forum. Each Best Practice is presented by the submitting organization along with detailed information about the practice. This is the best way to gain applicable information about tested practices you can use your organization’s compliance program.

The Forum was established in 1995 by the Health Ethics Trust in cooperation with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


This year’s practices reflect compliance program practices related to current topics such as tend of the PHE compliance issues and compliance practices in remote work environments. Several of the Best Practices were implemented in direct response to the rigorous standards of DOJ’s June 2020 guidance.  All of the Best Practices are reviewed and selected among by a national panel of working compliance professionals.


In addition to the Best Practices, the Forum includes presentations by compliance leaders including those in major regulatory and enforcement bodies.


The Forum confers 16 CEUs for the Health Ethics Trust credentials and credit for the HCCA/CCB credentials is pending.


The Trust keeps tuition low for the Forum to encourage participation and, as always, there are partial tuition scholarships which can be accessed by calling 703-509-3734. Enroll before October 1 and save $100 by entering EarlyBird100 at checkout.


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The Winning Practices  | 2022


2022 Best Practices Award Winners

As the Best Practices Forum approaches, we will begin announcing winners of 2022 Best Practice Awards along with a brief description of each winning practice.

Our first winner is the UPMC Insurance Services Division for its Regulatory Review and Implementation practice. Most compliance officers have worried at some point if they are aware of all key regulatory changes and if these changes are recognized across the organization. This practice provides a detailed model of how to recognize regulatory changes and ensure that they are being implemented organization-wide.

Our second Best Practice winner is WPS Health Solutions for its Compliance Awareness in a Remote Environment practice. I think we have all pondered the impact of remote work environments on the compliance culture of our organizations. Most of us conclude that it will be hard to maintain a culture of compliance in a remote work environment. But our second Best Practice shows us how to not only maintain a culture of compliance but actually strengthen it. WPS provides a step-by-step process along with evidence that the process works.

Compliance Program Assessors Course  | 2022

COMPLIANCE REGULATORY COMPLIANCE Business metaphor and technolog

Compliance Program Assessors Course 

WHEN: December 8, 2022


Compliance program assessment is a recognized component of effective compliance programs as documented in the standards promulgated by the US Department of Justice and the DHHS Office of Inspector General. The Health Ethics Trust has been assessing compliance programs for over 20 years and has offered the  Program Assessors Course 

throughout this period.

Attendees not only gain practical experience in assessing program components; they also learn how to bench mark and score compliance programs. Benchmarking is key to the credibility of a program assessment with executive management and boards of directors.

Those who successfully complete the Assessors Course are also qualified to participate in the Trust’s Compliance Program Certification process as peer reviewers.

This one-day intensive course is next offered on December 8. Because of the interactive nature of this course, enrollment is limited. There is information concerning this program and registration at Assessors.

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The Health Ethics Trust has been building, fortifying and assessing compliance programs through its consulting subsidiary for 25 years. Work with the most experienced team in healthcare compliance!

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